During the POC test every 5 minutes a sample was taken on the inlet side and on the outlet side of the ATEX PACMAN. Comparing the pollution in both samples will result in the separation efficiency of the magnetic separator. In the graph (top, left) the results are visualised.
separation efficiency of the ATEX PACMAN increases with the pollution rate of the feedstock.
- Pollution 10 ppm, efficiency of the magentic separator 60 %.
- Pollution 45 ppm, efficiency of the magentic separator 95 %.
With an analysis technique that is called Inductively Coupled Plasma, one set of samples (inlet and outlet) is analysed three times to determine which elements are present in the pollution. In the table (bottom, left) the results are visualised. The majority of captured particels are Iron, but inside the layer of captured pollution also other particles can be found. The sample set analyzed in this case also contained manganese and mercury.